Many people have observed that, aside from major bridge decks and tunnels, numerous highways lack street lights. In contrast to the well-lit city roads at night, highways appear very dark and potentially unsafe. This raises the question: why can’t highways have street lights to enhance brightness and safety, similar to urban roads?
After conducting some research and data analysis, we identified the following primary reasons for not installing street lights on highways:
At night, city roads are filled with pedestrians and non-motorized vehicles, but this is not the case on highways. Highways prohibit pedestrians, non-motorized vehicles, motorcycles, tractors, and tricycles.
Moreover, street lights are not installed for the safety and convenience of vehicles (which have headlights) but for non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians. The functions of highways and urban roads differ. Urban roads accommodate both vehicular traffic and a high density of non-motorized vehicles and pedestrians, necessitating street lights. Highways, however, connect cities and towns and have minimal non-motorized traffic and pedestrians. Therefore, general expressways do not have street lights. Additionally, highways are well-maintained with smooth surfaces, reducing the need for additional lighting.
Is it safer and more convenient for drivers to have street lights on highways? The answer is no. Experts suggest that street lighting is inconsistent and uneven. For drivers at high speeds, alternating light and dark can cause visual illusions, which are dangerous. This can also lead to rapid eye fatigue. Furthermore, street lights provide poor illumination and scattered light, which can dazzle drivers over long distances, posing safety risks.
So, what happens if a driver is on a highway at night without street lights?
In low-light conditions, vehicle headlights offer safer illumination for drivers. Without obstruction from oncoming traffic, high beams can be used at night. Additionally, highways are equipped with comprehensive illuminated road sign and reflective markers that meet nighttime driving needs. Under the strong illumination of car headlights, reflective materials on traffic signs will reflect light back to the driver, clearly indicating various traffic signs and providing sufficient directional guidance.
Although the total length of highways varies by country, they generally cover extensive distances. Installing street lights along all sections would be very costly. Moreover, the variable traffic flow on highways would lead to significant energy waste if solar led street light with pole was installed for a small number of vehicles. Additionally, highways often cross state and provincial boundaries, complicating power supply and management.
In summary, installing street lights on highways is neither scientifically necessary nor energy-efficient. Despite the relatively high safety of highways, drivers should still exercise caution when driving at night.
However, it is important to note that not all countries' highways lack street lights. Some countries, such as Belgium and the Emirate of Abu Dhabi in the UAE, have extensive highway lighting. These countries share two common traits: they are very wealthy and relatively small. Belgium, a developed capitalist country with high taxes, has a land area of just over 30,000 square kilometers. Abu Dhabi, which holds 92% of the UAE’s oil reserves, is also very affluent.